Hoodoo Butte pictures - 2025 02/10 (Mon) 10:49 - Mobile page - Weather page - 48 hour, 6 hour versions
Use REFRESH in your browser to force updating views stored in cache.
See the full Pictures page for details on what views are updated after sunset.
5700' view NW: Hodag Chair (top)
5700' view N: Three Fingered Jack, Mt Jefferson
5700' view NE: Green Chair (top)
5700' view N: Hogg Rock, US20 @ milepost 79
5700' view ESE: Cache Mountain
5700' view SSE: Mt Washington, Big Lake
5400' view NNE: Mt Jefferson, Three Fingered Jack
5400' view NE: Ed Thurston Chair (top)
5400' view SE: Hayrick Butte & "Gripper" run
5000' view NNE: Manzanita Chair (top)
Picture is 13 minutes old
5000' view E: Black Butte
5000' view S: North side of Hoodoo Butte
4800' view SE: Easy Rider Chair (top)
4800' view SSW: Hoodoo Butte
4750' view S: Ed Thurston Chair (bottom)
4700' view W: Headwall (base area)
4700' view NW: Hoodoo Bowl (base area)
4800' - Autobahn (tubing) (weekly update)
Picture is 1.7 days old
4700' - Parking Lot (center)
4700' - Parking Lot (south) w/ Camper Row
4750' - Parking Lot (south end)
Random shot #1, #2
(~weekly update)
Random shot #3, #4,
(~weekly update)
Random shot #5, 6
(~weekly update)

3839' - US20 Milepost 75 - Santiam Jct East & West
c/o ODOT TripCheck

4817' - US20 Milepost 80 - Santiam Pass
c/o ODOT TripCheck

3222' - US20 Milepost 100 - Sisters &
3402' - US20 Milepost 91 - Camp Sherman Jct
c/o ODOT TripCheck
Other nearby ODOT Cameras:
1670' - OR22 Milepost 48, 51 - Detroit RS, ODOT
4252' - US20 Milepost 64 - Tombstone Summit
645' - US20 Milepost 31 - Sweet Home / Foster Res.
1232' - OR126 Milepost 47 "@ McKenzie" - W, E
Other in-area cameras:
Maxwell Butte
Looking north-northwest from top of Ed chair
Mountain Cameras - static & timelapse
c/o "mtcams.net"
To: Hoodoo Ski Area's main page.

The Views

At various places on and around Hoodoo Butte there are cameras with views of the local mountains or other features of interest. The primary reason for having cameras is to allow the Ski Patrol radio dispatcher to see what's happening at various places on the hill. The tops of the chair lifts are of particular interest to them.

Additional cameras have been added to help weather station users understand the current local weather conditions. These views attempt to include items both near and far, so that conditions can be better understood in the event of reduced visibility.

Some cameras were added for the view on a clear day. Clouds may obscure views from higher or lower camera sites under different conditions, so the redundant views of various mountains in the background can be useful to understand where cloud deck tops and bottoms are located.

Camera locations are constrained by power and communication resources, and year-round usefulness. Opportunities are limited, but interesting views will be added where possible.

Hodag Chair (top)
  • Looking west-northwest from top of Hoodoo Butte
Three Fingered Jack, Mt Jefferson, Hogg Rock
  • Looking north
Green Chair (top)
  • Looking northeast
Hogg Rock & US20 highway
  • Looking north from the top of Hoodoo Butte
  • Highway US20 between mileposts 78 & 80
  • Hogg Rock is a "tuya"
  • Mt Jefferson & Three-Finger5ed Jack in the background
Cache Mtn
  • Looking eastsoutheast from top of Hoodoo Butte
  • Foreground - Hayrick Butte
  • Background - Black Butte, Mt Washington
Mt Washington & Big Lake
  • Looking south-southeast from top of Hoodoo Butte
Maxwell Butte, Mt Jefferson, Three Fingered Jack
  • Looking northwest from top of 'Ed chair
Ed Thurston Chairlift (top)
  • Looking north-northeast from top of 'Ed chair
  • Background - Three-Fingered Jack
"Gripper" run & Hayrick Butte
  • Looking southeast from top of 'Ed chair
  • Background - Mt Washington
Manzanita chairlift (top)
  • Looking north
  • Background - Three Fingered Jack, Hogg Rock
"Top of the 'Wall" run
  • Looking east from top of Manzanita chair
  • Background - Black Butte
North side of Hoodoo Butte, "Dive" run
  • Looking south from top of Manzanita chair
Easy Rider chairlift (top) - offload area
  • Looking southeast
  • Background - "Magic Carpet" & Lodge
Hayrick Butte, Hoodoo Bowl, Hoodoo Butte
  • Looking south from top of Easy Rider chair
  • View also includes the North Lodge
  • Hayrick Butte is a "tuya"
Ed Thurston chairlift (bottom)
  • Looking south
  • Background - Hayrick Butte
Headwall, Blue Valley
  • Looking southwest from the South Lodge
  • View includes Green & Manzanita chairs
Hoodoo Bowl, North lodge
  • Looking west-northwest from the South Lodge
  • View includes Green & Manzanita chairlifts
Autobahn - Tubing area
  • Manually inserted picture (~weekly)
Parking Lot - center
  • Looking east, near the North lodge's ticket window
Parking Lot - south side
  • Looking southeast from the South lodge
  • View includes "Camper Row" & Hayrick Butte
Parking Lot - South end
  • Looking wherever the PTZ is pointed
  • View includes Lodges, parking lot, New & Old Shops
Links to random shots #1 & 2
  • Manually updated pictures (~weekly)
Links to random shots #3 & 4
  • Manually updated pictures (~weekly)
Links to random shots #5 & 6
  • Manually updated pictures (~weekly)
Santiam Junction (ODOT cameras)
  • Looking east from the sign bridge
    ~ US20 mp 75 & ORE22 mp 81
  • View of passing lanes & chain-up area
  • Camera view c/o ODOT's TripCheck
Santiam Pass (ODOT cameras)
  • Looking east from near the top of Santiam Pass
  • View includes highway US20 between milepost 80 and 81
  • Camera view c/o ODOT's TripCheck
Sisters, OR area (ODOT cameras)


  1. A new picture is taken every six minutes.
    - This web page is updated every twelve minutes.

  2. Pictures will generally not be updated after twilight, after it gets too dark to get good pictures.
    - The sun is more than four degrees below the horizon.
    - Pictures of roads and parking areas will be updated at night, since this could be of use to late-night travelers.
    - Pictures of night skiing areas will be updated for days (Fri & Sat) and times (until 9PM) and dates when it's likely to be happening.

  3. When visibility is reduced by clouds, fog, or precipitation, here's what you might not be seeing (sorted by elevation).

    Looking to the North & West Elevation
    Mt Jefferson 10497 012 19.4
    Three-Fingered Jack
    (Treeline on south ridge)
    020 5.7
    Maxwell Butte 6229 347 4.4
    Crescent Mtn
    (over the Hodag lift's operator shack)
    5750 287 10.9
    Hogg Rock
    (US20 milepost 79.5)
    015 1.3

    In the area Elevation
    Hoodoo Butte (top) 5700 - -
    Hayrick Butte 5520 South 0.8
    'Ed Chairlift top - Trees in south view 5400 South 0.02
    Manzanita Chairlift top 5000 North 0.05
    Hogg Rock - US 20 @ milepost 79 4400 North 1.6
    Santiam Pass - US 20 @ milepost 81 4817 East 0.5
    Parking lot & "Camper Row" 4700 South 0.01 - 0.2

    Looking to the South & East Elevation
    North Sister 10085 162 17.1
    Middle Sister 10047 165 18.2
    Mt Washington
    (North ridge tree line)
    156 5.3
    Black Butte 6436 091 12.3
    Big Lake 4644 164 2.1

  4. Views to the east and west are hard on the cameras. Since we want to have some portion of the sky in the picture, at some times of the year the camera will be pointed at a rising or setting sun.

  5. Other nearby web cameras:

  6. If you have ideas for improvements to this picture page, please Email them to "".

  7. Related information:
  • 2018 02/17 - For those who follow what's happening in this neighborhood . . . Santiam Lodge (located just across highway US20 from Hoodoo) may be re-opening to visitors. The official web site for Friends of Santiam Pass Ski Lodge invites you to learn about, follow, and maybe lend a hand in this restoration effort. You can also Google "Santiam Lodge" for other links about the lodge's history.
  • 2021 07/17 - Added a link to someone else's web site that harvests pictures and makes static and time-lapse pictures available for dates & times of your choosing.
  • 2022 08/27 - Mt Washington & Big Lake camera & weather enclosure to be replaced. A temporary camera has been added until a new camera can be installed.
  • 2023 09/09 - Related to SSE view (Big Lake) - Installed garage on tower to protect camera from falling ice. New camera in weather enclosure to follow . . .
  • 2024 09/20 - Fixed a week-old issue of Hoodoo top views to North & Southeast not updating. Pictures were being taken, but the function that uploads pictures to the web site could not find a picture, so it would quit instead of trying to upload the next picture in the list.
  • 2024 12/14 - Replaced Hoodoo top ESE view (Cache Mountain) camera. Also useful for seeing if the wind sensors are rimed.