Cycle C

Tending a prusik.

What you will need to bring to the online sessions:
  • Setup
    • Computer/tablet/phone with video – your video will be on so we can see faces
    • Note taking tools
  • Navigation
    • GPS
    • Compass
  • Rope craft
    • A length of rope and a length of cord – 5 or 6 feet each.
    • Something to anchor the rope/cord.
  • When leading a session
    1. Come prepared with supplies and practiced camera setup, angles and audio.
    2. Explain what we are going to learn. A power point is not necessary. It might be nice to have a lesson plan in an online document or clearly written on paper to show the group as you begin your lesson.
    3. Demonstrate. Go slow, make sure the class can see and hear. Take time for questions and suggestions.
    4. Ask the class to demonstrate back on camera.
    5. Give and allow feedback.
    6. Finish with a review of what we did and learned.
What you will need to bring to the on-the-hill session:
  • For the classroom session
    • Note taking tools
    • GPS
    • Compass
  • For the outside session – we will be in the trees and on the slopes
    • If snow – be prepared to N/BC ski
    • If no snow – hiking footwear
    • A suitable size pack
    • Suitable clothing and layers, gloves, gaiters
    • Water and snacks

Let’s analyze cycle C and modify the list to fit our patrol.

Click/touch the up/down arrows on the right side of the [Cyc C] table column to sort the table. You may need to do this twice to get all the Cycle C group sorted to the top of the table.

#Cyl ACyl BCyl CSubjectRequired SkillsWho?
01XXNavigationSet declination on compass
02XXNavigationOrient a map using a compass
03XXNavigationDetermine position using Resectioning
04XXNavigationFollow a bearing by dead reckoning
05XXNavigationDetermine position on map using six-digit UTM coordinates
06XXNavigationDetermine position on map using L/L coordinates
07XXNavigationDetermine approximate position using Township and Range
08XXNavigationDetermine exact position using GPS UTM and L/L coordinates
09XXNavigationManually enter a waypoint in a GPS receiver
10XNavigationUse the GPS “Go To” function
11XXSurvivalBuild a fire on snow and melt snow
12XXSurvivalConstruct an emergency (quick) snow shelter
13XRepairRepair a stripped binding screw
14XRepairRepair a broken binding cable
15XXRepairRepair a broken ski pole
16XXKnotsTie a water knot
17XXKnotsTie a clove hitch
18XXKnotsTie a Trucker’s hitch
19XXKnotsTie a double fisherman’s knot
20XXKnotsTie a Prusik hitch
21XXKnotsTie a Munter hitch-mule combination
22XXKnotsTie a figure-8 on a bight and follow thru
23XXKnotsTie a load-releasing hitch
24XXKnotsTie a tent hitch (taut-line hitch)
25XXOECShelter a patient in place
26XXOECSplint a mid-shaft femur fracture using ski poles
27XXOECExplain how to assess and treat hypothermia
28XXOECExplain how to assess and treat frostbite
29XXTobogganConstruct an emergency toboggan
30XXTobogganPackage a patient in an emergency toboggan
31XTobogganConstruct a webbing harness
32XXTobogganTeam haul an emergency toboggan over rolling terrain
33XXIncid. Mgmt.Demonstrate the various incident management roles
34XXHelicopterExplain helicopter safety protocols
35XXHelicopterExplain the requirements for a helicopter landing zone
36XXHelicopterExplain how to assist a helicopter landing
37XSARExplain the SAR Incident Command System
38SARExplain how the SAR systems works in the local area
39XSARExplain the hasty search plan(s) for your patrol
40XXRope RescueExplain all parts of the patrol’s rope rescue system (RRS)
41XXRope RescueDemonstrate safe patient access using the patrol’s RRS
42XXRope RescueDemonstrate how to secure patient to RRS
43XXRope RescueDemonstrate the patrol’s Z-pulley raising system
44XXRope RescueDemonstrate switch to lowering system
45XXRope RescueDemonstrate the patrol’s lowering system
46XXRope RescueDemonstrate switch back to raising system
47XXLocalDemonstrate proper use of patrol radios
48XXLocalDemonstrate knowledge of patrol protocols
49XXLocalDemonstrate knowledge of patrol paperwork
50XLocalDemonstrate skiing skills required for patrol participation
51Opt?AvalanchePlan a route in avalanche terrain
52Opt?AvalancheDig a hasty pit and analyze findings
53Opt?AvalanchePrepare and analyze a snow pit diagram
54Opt?AvalancheLead a “go – no go” discussion
55Opt?AvalancheQuickly locate a buried transceiver in two feet of snow
56Opt?AvalancheQuickly locate a buried transceiver in six feet of snow
57Opt?AvalancheQuickly locate multiple buried transceivers at various depths
58Opt?AvalancheConduct an avalanche probe exercise
59Opt?AvalancheOrganize and lead a backcountry avalanche rescue exercise
60Opt?Rope RescueIdentify all parts of an advanced (two-rope) rescue system
61Opt?Rope RescueOperate all parts of a two-rope rescue system in raising mode
62Opt?Rope RescueLead the switch from raising to lowering mode
63Opt?Rope RescueOperate all parts of a two-rope rescue system in lowering mode
64Opt?Rope RescueLead the switch from lowering to raising mode
65Opt?Rope RescueAct as Safety Officer for a two-rope rescue scenario
66Opt?Rope RescueLead a two-rope rescue scenario
67Opt?SARLead a SAR strike team
68Opt?SARPlan a SAR field exercise
69Opt?SARLead a SAR field exercise
70Opt?SARPrepare a SAR after-action report